our faith

We believe that the Bible is God's word, and determines what we teach and how we apply those teachings.  Sometimes those teachings and applications contradict human logic, popular opinion or cultural acceptance, but all of those things have been corrupted by sin.  Because of that, they serve God's Word instead of rule over it. 

Our hearts have been corrupted by sin too and because of that we are born into this world with a broken relationship with our perfect God. The only one who could repair that relationship is God himself, so he sent his own Son to do what we could not; live the perfect life and give his life on the cross to pay our debt to him.  God loved us even though we didn't deserve it. And out of love he tells us that when he empowers us to believe in Jesus as our Savior, we receive his perfect obedience and the benefits of his death on the cross that paid for our sin.

We exist to grow closer to the God who saved us by growing in our understanding of the Word he gave us and the sacraments with which he supplied us.  We also want to share those gifts with the people of Apache Junction, East Mesa and you.

This We Believe

Whether you're already a Lutheran, don't much experience with churches, or a spiritual person looking to return to the church, we invite you to explore our beliefs further.


Our pastor offers an informational course on Christian doctrine for any adult interested in learning about the fundamental teachings of the Bible. This informal class is held at many different times of the year and is available to anyone as a refresher course or for those who would like to learn more about the Christian faith. This class also serves as a membership course for those interested in joining our fellowship. It enables them to explore, without obligation, what we believe as found in the Bible.

Walking with others

King of Kings Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (the WELS).

"Wisconsin" is simply a reference to the geographical location of our church body. It was organized in 1850 by immigrants who settled in the upper Midwestern states. The WELS is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Evangelical" means that we emphasize the gospel or "good news" that Jesus is our Savior from sin.

"Lutheran" identifies us as a congregation which follows all of the teachings of the Bible as explained correctly by Dr. Martin Luther (1483-1546) and expounded in the Book of Concord of 1580.

"Synod" is a term which means "walking together". It is a reference to a group of congregations which chooses to walk together united in its teachings, beliefs, and practice. 

Christian Lutheran Churches affiliated with the WELS are located throughout the United States and in 30 foreign countries.